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Carson 1:35 Schnellboot Typ S-100 PRM Edition

Military ship models 1:35

1:35 Schnellboot Typ S-100 PRM Edition



Article number: 510005603 Product: 1:35 Schnellboot Typ S-100 PRM Edition Model Dim.: 99,9 cm Decals for one version Among the various stipulations of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 was a severe limitation of German naval construction. Small craft were not covered by these stipulations and resulted in the development of motor torpedo boats starting in the late 1920s. ?The design was based on a civil yacht which was, however, modified to be able to transport two torpedoes: the S-1. ?The evolution of the design continued until it reached, in its most advanced models, 35 meters in length weighing in at 100 metric tons. Even room for secondary armaments was progressively increased. The construction was composite, with aluminium beams and wooden planking. The characteristic ironclad deckhouse appeared with the S-100 model and was a necessary response to increased Allied air superiority and to the intensified low flying air attacks being flown. The boats were primarily used to attack allied ships in the coastal areas of the British Isles, but were also used for operations in the Mediterranean and Black seas, usually under cover of dark. Starting in 1943, after great part of the Kriegsmarine had been either destroyed or immobilised, these motor torpedo boats were among the few vessels still in the water and able to perform military operations, exposing them to a progressively increasing number of battles and the consequent grave losses.

Carson 1:35 LCM 3 (Landing craft mechanized)

Military ship models 1:35

1:35 LCM 3 (Landing craft mechanized)



Article number: 510006755 Product: 1:35 LCM 3 (Landing craft mechanized) The Landing Craft Mechanized (LCM) is arguably the most famous landing craft in history, its profile intimately linked to Allied amphibious operations in World War II, from Anzio to the beaches of Normandy.The LCM-3 variant is certainly one of the most successful and effectively employed. The design was simple and straightforward yet extremely rational. The large front loading ramp allowed for the rapid disembarkation of a fully armed infantry squad as well as a 30-ton medium Sherman tank. The armor was very light, protecting the diesel engine, which enabled the LCM to reach a maximum speed of 8 knots, and the crew required for navigation and close defense, consisting of four men. However, significant was its loading capacity and operational flexibility, which allowed the LCM-3 to carve out an important place in 20th-century military history.   Warning! Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Carson 1:35 M.A.S. 568 4a Torpedoboot w. Crew

Military ship models 1:35

1:35 M.A.S. 568 4a Torpedoboot w. Crew



Article number: 510005626 Product: 1:35 M.A.S. 568 4a Torpedoboot m. Crew Since First World War the Italian Regia Marina was deserved great attention to the development of small and rapid vessels generally armed with torpedoes. The moto torpedo boats, more known as MAS, were civilian vessels variants. The results achieved during First World War were remarkable with the sinking, on behalf of Commandant Luigi Rizzo, of the Austro-Hungarian Marine cruiser Wien and Szent István. Neither less were more suitable for confined seas nor shallow water like the Adriatic Sea, the Italian Marine continued working to improve the performance of the small but fast moto torpedoes. The MAS 500, equipped gasoline engines Isotta-Fraschini, build during Second World War and more powerful and reliable, were deployed both as moto torpedoes and anti-submarine platforms for depth charges dropping. Capable of reaching a top speed of 40 notches and armed with two 450mm torpedoes. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Schnellboot Typ S-38 mit 4.0cm Flak 28 (Bofors) in scale 1:35

Carson 1:35 S.L.C. Maiale 200 with crew

Military ship models 1:35

1:35 S.L.C. Maiale 200 with crew



Article number: 510005621 Product: 1:35 S.L.C. Maiale 200 m. Besatzung (2) Based upon the experiences and successes of the Italian Regia Marina in the First World War. In 1935 Teseo Tesei and Elios Toschi developed and perfected the Siluro a Lenta Corsa (S.L.C.), which was more informally known as "Maiale" (Pig). This was a torpedo modified to allow it to be guided underwater by two operators equipped with respirators. It was intended to carry a high explosive warhead under the keel of enemy ships. The modified torpedoes had limited speed, were fitted with a guidance system and held batteries that powered the electric motor which guaranteed a range of 12-15 miles. The most notable action of these Italian Navy raiders took place on 19th December 1941. Transported by the submarine "Scirè" to the strongly defended Alexandria harbour, the S.L.C.’s were able to attack and disable for several months, Royal Navy battleships H.M.S: Valiant and the H.M.S. Queen Elizabeth. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:35

Others 1:35 Speedboat S-26 / S-38

Military ship models 1:35

1:35 Speedboat S-26 / S-38



Article number: 510005625 Product: 1:35 Speedboat S-26 / S-38 Between the two wars several Navies undertook development programs to implement flotillas of motor torpedo boats capable of carrying out patrol and attack missions. The new engine technologies, compared to First World War versions, provided greater performance and operational efficiency. During the 1930s the German Kriegsmarine developed the famous S-class motor torpedo boats. Between 1939 and 1940 the S-26 series was built and characterised by a forecastle integrated with two 533 mm torpedo tubes. The aesthetic features of the bow were maintained and further improved in subsequent versions. The S38 was one of the most celebrated Schnellboot versions, with almost 100 units produced. They were 35 meters long with a full load displacement of over 100 tons. With its Daimler Benz 12-cylinder engines it was able to reach a maximum speed of 39.5 knots. Kit, instructions, decor

Carson 1:35 Vosper 72''6' MTB 77

Military ship models 1:35

1:35 Vosper 72''6' MTB 77



Article number: 510005610 Product: 1:35 Vosper 72''6' MTB 77 Model Dim.: 63,1 cm 100% NEW MOULDS - Decals for 3 versions Vosper company became famous, during the Second World War, for the production of small and fast Motor Torpedo Boats (MTB) and Motor Gun Boats (MGB) for the Royal Navy. Among the various boats in production, the Vosper MTB 72’6" were characterized by a significant life cycle with different mission profiles as the coastal patrol and the anti-submarine support in the North Sea and English Channel. Moves from 3 engines with and impressive power of 4,200 hp, Vosper MTB was able to reach a speed close to 40 knots (70 km/h). The first versions were introduced at the beginning of the war but were gradually introduced new variants, type I and type II, which were characterized by a different combination of offensive and defensive weaponry. They were usually armed with 457 mm torpedo tubes., depth charges, and 0.303" Vickers machine guns or, more rarely, from 0.5" Vickers machine guns , for air defence. The crew consisted of 10 to 13 men.

Carson 1:720 U.S.S. George H.W. Bush CVN77

Military ship models 1:720

1:720 U.S.S. George H.W. Bush CVN77



Article number: 510105534 Product: 1/720 U.S.S. George H.W. Bush CVN77 Model Dim.: 44,7 cm Decals for one version The U.S.S. George H. W. Bush (CVN-77) is the tenth and final Nimitz class "supercarrier". Entered in service on 2009, is the most updated evolution in terms of technology and weapon systems of its class. One of the world’s largest warships, thanks to its displacement of 100,000 tons, it is powered with two Westinghouse nuclear reactors that permit, despite the impressive size, to reach 30 knots and to have a operating range almost unlimited. More than 80 aircrafts and helicopters are carried on board and are enable to enhance the military effectiveness of the warship. The "Bush" is also used for the development and testing of advanced weapon systems. On the deck of CVN-77, the first tests with unmanned drones, as the Northrop Grumman X-47B developed and designed for carrier-based operations, has been recently done.

Carson 1:35 Elco 80 Torpedo Boat PRM Edition

Military ship models 1:35

1:35 Elco 80 Torpedo Boat PRM Edition


soon available again

Article number: 510005602 Product: 1/35 Elco 80 Torpedo Boat PRM Edition Model Dim.: 70 cm Decals for one version During the Second World War the U.S. Navy deployed a large amount of three types of motor torpedo boats: the Higgins measuring 78 feet and ELCO measuring 77 and 80 feet. Every model could be distinguished from the others, apart from by length, by configuration, weapons and various other details. The 80 foot ELCOs represented the most numerous class: they were realised in five series, for a total of about 300 examples Built in mahogany and pushed by three 1,350cv Packard 4M-2500 engines (taken to 1,500 in the latest series), these vessels easily exceeded 40 knots. The equipment and weapons were constantly updated and improved thanks to experience acquired in the field and the progressive change of role: with the progress of the conflict, in fact, the PT Boats left the original task of attacking and cutting off the traffic, taking on the role of gunships and operating in the proximity of the coast or in channels. The Italeri model reproduces the PT 596 and an 80-foot ELCO from the last batch produced.

Carson 1:35 LCVP with US Infantry

Military ship models 1:35

1:35 LCVP with US Infantry


soon available again

Article number: 510006524 Product: 1:35 LCVP with US Infantry Model Dim.: 31,4 cm NEW SOLDIERS MOULDS D-DAY SERIES THE BOX CONTAINS 30 FIGURES Decals for 8 versions Developed by Higgins Industries of New Orleans on the basis of a flat-bottomed boat used in the Louisiana marshlands, the LCVP (Landing Craft, Vehicle and Personnel) took part in all the major amphibious operations of Second World War, in Europe and the Pacific. Its task was to shuttle back and forth between the big ships and the beaches, carrying up to thirty men, light vehicles and anything else that was needed. Generally armed with two rear-mounted machine guns, it was powered by a 250 HP Hall Scott petrol engine or a 225 HP Gray diesel engine. After the end of the Second World War the LCVP stayed in service, occupying a number of roles. It saw action in Korea and Indochina and has also been adapted for civilian use all over the world. D-Days Series Box contains 30 figures

Carson 1:35 Schnellboot Typ S-38 /4.0cm Flak 28

Military ship models 1:35

1:35 Schnellboot Typ S-38 /4.0cm Flak 28


Factory sold out

Article number: 510005620 Product: 1:35 Schnellboot Typ S-38 /4.0cm Flak 28 PHOTO ETCHED PARTS FULLY UPGRADED MOULD More than 600 highly detailed parts Length of the model 99,9 cm Between the two World Wars, several Military Navy launched programs dedicated to develop fast crafts able to perform patrol and attack duties. New engines and technological solutions were able to guarantee, compared to the First World War torpedo boats, improved performances and better operation efficency. The German Kriegsmarine developed the famous fast attack craft S-Class during the 1930’s. Among the most famous Schnellboote we can point out the S-38 version. Produced in 100 units, it had a lenght of 35 meters and a displacement, full load, of over 100 tons. Thanks to its 12 cylinders Daimler Benz engines the S-38 was able to reach a speed of 39.5 knots. Armed with two 533 mm. torpedo tubes, it adopted several types of defensive guns. Some of S-38 used the very appreciated 40 mm. Bofors gun. Captured by Germans during the first years of the War, it proved to be a very effective and powerful naval weapon, even more appreciated than the German ones. On the S-38 reliable tech base, the S-100 was developed some years later. Between the two World Wars, several Military Navy launched programs dedicated to develop fast crafts able to perform patrol and attack duties. New engines and technological solutions were able to guarantee, compared to the First World War torpedo boats, improved performances and better operation efficency. The German Kriegsmarine developed the famous fast attack craft S-Class during the 1930’s. Among the most famous Schnellboote we can point out the S-38 version. Produced in 100 units, it had a lenght of 35 meters and a displacement, full load, of over 100 tons. Thanks to its 12 cylinders Daimler Benz engines the S-38 was able to reach a speed of 39.5 knots. Armed with two 533 mm. torpedo tubes, it adopted several types of defensive guns. Some of S-38 used the very appreciated 40 mm. Bofors gun. Captured by Germans during the first years of the War, it proved to be a very effective and powerful naval weapon, even more appreciated than the German ones. On the S-38 reliable tech base, the S-100 was developed some years later. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Schnellboot Typ S-38 mit 4.0cm Flak 28 (Bofors) in scale 1:35

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