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1:72 Sd.Kfz 265 Petit wagon de commandement de chars
Article number: 510007072 Product: 1:72 Sd.Kfz 265 Kleiner Panzerbefehlswagen Model Dim.: 5,6 cm The Sd.Kfz 265 Kleine Panzerbefehlswagen armored command vehicle was born to meet the need of the Wehrmacht Panzer Division Commanders to follow, as close as possible, the tanks and better coordinate them on the battlefield. The armored command vehicle was designed on the Panzer I Ausf. B light tank chassis. To increase the space for the unit commander and his staff, the traditional rotating turret with the main armament was removed and a tall fixed superstructure was installed. The commander’s room was able to host the battle maps, the transmission and the communication systems. An additional radio antenna could be used, on the hull, to increase the range of radio communication. Produced from the second half of ‘30s the "Panzerbefehlswagen" has been used in combat operations in September 1939 during the Poland invasion. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Sd.Kfz 265 Kleine Panzerbefehlswagen in scale 1:72

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1:72 15cm FieldHowitzer/ 10,5cm FieldGun
Article number: 510007082 Product: 1:72 15cm FieldHowitzer/ 10,5cm FieldGun Model Dim.: 12,0 cm 100% NEW MOULDS - FULLY DETAILED MODEL - DECALS FOR 3 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET CONTAINS ONE MODEL AND 5 FIGURES The 150 mm SFH18 howitzer was widely deployed by the Wehrmacht on all of the key fronts during WW11. It was developed during the ’20s and ‘30s by Rheinmetall and Krupp, one of the main artillery companies in Germany, with a view to optimizing resources and technological capabilities within the parameters imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. From 1933 onwards, Germany's rearmament planning became ever more ambitious, with a particularly significant increase in the production of howitzers and field cannons. The SFH18 had a simple and reliable structure with a maximum range of 13.5 km. It could be divided into two sections and towed by horses, or more often during the war, by half-tracks. The SFH18 had a seven-man crew. A 105 mm calibre version was developed on the same carriage, (sK 10,5 cm)which was characterized by the longer barrel, but was produced in few specimens as much heavier than the standard 105 mm leFH18, which was the field artillery cannon supplied to the Wehrmacht. Detailed plastic kit

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1:72 Brit. Churchill Mk. III
Article number: 510007083 Product: 1:72 Brit. Churchill Mk. III The Churchill medium tank came into service with the British Army in 1942 to support and replace the earlier Valentines, Matildas and Crusaders, which, by then, were all outdated and inadequate in terms of both armor and weaponry, easily falling prey to the more advanced German tanks. Equipped with thick armor and a reliable engine, it proved to be tough and dependable, later being produced in ever-more efficient, upgraded versions. Its chassis was also used as a platform for specialized support vehicles such as the mine clearer, the bridge layer and the flame-thrower. Detailed plastic kit

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1:72 Camion amphibie DUKW
Référence article: 510007022 Produit: 1:72 DUKW Amphibious truck C’est à partir du camion de transport tactique américain General Motor CCKW-353 de 2½ tonnes 6x6 qu’une version amphibie spéciale a été conçue et construite pour répondre aux besoins logistiques des équipes de débarquement de l'armée américaine afin de transférer les marchandises directement et rapidement des navires à la plage. Les composants de base étaient en effet les mêmes que ceux du camion routier GMC avec son moteur 6 cylindres de 4 400 cm3 et ses trois différentiels à six roues motrices. Le DUKW se caractérisait par sa coque soudée, pour la rendre amphibie, renforcée par des nervures horizontales. Sa force résidait dans son extraordinaire polyvalence et sa capacité de charge. En effet, il pouvait transporter 2 400 kg de charge utile soit 25 hommes entièrement équipés. Les DUKW ont été largement utilisés sur tous les théâtres de guerre par l'armée américaine, les Marines et les forces armées de nombreux pays alliés. Ils ont contribué efficacement aux débarquements de Salerne et d'Anzio, en Normandie lors du jour J, à Utah et à Omaha, ainsi que sur les plages du Pacifique. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

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1:72 Char de reconnaissance US M3A1
En 1938, la White Motor Company concentra son attention sur la conception et le développement du M3 afin de fournir à l’armée des Etats Unis un véhicule de reconnaissance blindé. Equipé d’un moteur Hercules à 6 cylindres JXD à essence de 110 chevaux, cet engin atteignait une vitesse maximale de 81 Km/h. Doté de quatre roues motrices, il était utilisé pour les manœuvres de patrouillage, de reconnaissance et de poste de commande. Ce véhicule pouvait accueillir jusqu’à 8 hommes, il était équipé d’une mitrailleuse Browning M2 de 12,7 mm et de 2 autres Browning de 7,7 mm placés dans les tourelles latérales. Il fut employé pour la première fois pendant la bataille des Philippines en 1941 et fut également présent en Afrique du Nord et en Sicile où il fut remplacé au cours de la Guerre, pour les exercices d’exploration avancée, par le dernier M8 Greyhound. Outre à l’armée américaine il fut utilisé par les Forces de l’Armée Anglaise, par les Français et par certaines subdivisions de l’Armée Rouge qui l’utilisèrent sur le front oriental comme remorque pour les canons ZIS-3 de 76 mm.

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1:72 Ger. Véhicule de combat blindé 35 (t)
Article number: 510007084 Product: 1:72 Ger. Panzerkampfwagen 35 (t) Model Dim.: 6,8 cm DECALS FOR 4 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET CONTAINS 1 FIGURE The Czechoslovakian LT vz.35 light tank was designed and manufactured during the 1930s. Armed with two machine guns and a 37mm gun it was, for the period, a reliable and effective tank.It was also fast acrossall types of terrain and had a high degree of self-sufficiency. It was designated with the new name Panzerkampfwagen 35 (t), where the letter "t" indicated Czechoslovakian production. The German Wehrmacht used a large number of Panzerkampfwagen in the Panzerwaffe. It actively participated in both the Polish and French campaigns and in the early stages of "Operation Barbarossa".However, from 1941 onwards the light tank become obsolete, and was subsequently used in support or recon roles, or indeed sold to Axis allies such as Bulgaria and Romania. Detailed Plastic Kit

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1:72 Le Sd. Kfz 250/3
Référence article: 510007034 Produit: 1:72 Sd. Kfz 250/3 Le semi-chenillé Sd.Kfz. 250 a été largement utilisé par les troupes mécanisées allemandes pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Développé sur la « disposition » technique du tracteur d'artillerie Sd.Kfz.10, il devait fournir une solution flexible et fiable pour intégrer les mouvements d'infanterie avec les troupes blindées. Le véhicule Sd.Kfz. 250 était armé d'une ou deux mitrailleuses MG34 de 7,92 mm et pouvait emporter, avec un bon niveau de protection, une escouade d'infanterie de 4 hommes sur le champ de bataille. L'appréciation du véhicule a été à la base du développement de nombreuses variantes dont la version 250/3 Leichter Funkpanzerwagen (véhicule blindé léger de liaison radio), utilisé comme centre névralgique de la liaison radio entre les troupes avancées, l'artillerie et l'armée de l'air. Le célèbre « Greif », utilisé par Erwin Rommel en Afrique du Nord, est un véritable poste de commandement avancé en contact étroit avec les troupes de première ligne.

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1:72 Le Sd. Kfz. 182 King Tiger
Article number: 510007004 Product: 1:72 Sd. Kfz. 182 King Tiger Model Dim.: 11,2 cm Decal for one version This vehicle was one of the most powerful battle tanks in service during World War II. The King Tiger was armed with a formidable 88mm cannon, which enabled the tank to engage any allied tank even at long range. Because of its heavy armor, complex suspension systems and a complicated, maintenance-prone engine, the tank was non very reliable.

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1:72 M4 Sherman
Article number: 510007003 Product: 1:72 M4 Sherman Model Dim.: 8,2 cm Decals for one version The Sherman is one of the most famous tanks of World War II, and was also the standard tank of the allied armies. The M4 was fairly well protected with armor but not sufficient enough to confront the 88mm guns of the Germans. It had a valid engine, was reliable and had sufficient range as well as armament.

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1:72 Sd. Kfz. 184 chasseur de chars Elefant
Article number: 510007012 Product: 1:72 Sd. Kfz. 184 Panzerjäger Elefant Model Dim.: 11,7 cm Decal for one version These vehicles, which mounted a casemate gun, were used extensively by the German Army throughout the Second World War, providing covering fire for infantry and also being used as tank-busters. Several hundred of this particular self-propelled gun - constructed on a Pz.Kpfw. IV tank chassis - were built in several versions that underwent constant armour and gun upgrades to keep pace with the development of enemy weapons.

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1:72 Sd.Kfz. 251/1 "Stuka Zu Fuss" (Stuka à pied)
Article number: 510007080 Product: 1:72 Sd.Kfz. 251/1 "Stuka Zu Fuss" Model Dim.: 8,1 cm The Sd.Kfz.251 half-track was an armored fighting vehicle (AFV), which was deployed by the Wehrmacht on all operational fronts during the Second World War. Powered by a Maybach 6-cylinder petrol engine it was able to reach a speed of 55 km / h even on ‘off road’ terrain. Produced in huge numbers, it was mainly used to transport ‘Panzergrenadiers’, but during the war several versions were developed to meet differing operational requirements. The Wurfrahmen rocket launcher version was built on the Sd.Kfz.251. Equipped with 6 compartments, 3 on each side, intended for the launch of rockets of different sizes, it was nicknamed "Stuka zu Fuss". Although not precise, it could have an important psychological effect on enemy troops and still proved to be a valid support for ground troops especially in urban fighting. Detailed plastic kit

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1:72 Sd.Kfz. 251/8 Ambulance
Article number: 510007077 Product: 1:72 Sd.Kfz. 251/8 Ambulance Mod.Dim.: 8,1 cm Actros is the commercial name for Mercedes-Benz heavy truck range. The Actros range has been introduced in 1995 and quickly achieved a significant commercial success as a suitable solution to perform long-distance haulage and heavy-duties haulage. The New Actros, introduced on the market in 2012, is the most update and innovative expression of the heavy truck Mercedes family. It is characterized by an advanced and modern design and the adoption of new Euro 5 and Euro 6 engines. The vehicle configuration has been designed and developed to guarantee the highest operational efficiency minimizing the running costs. Detailed Plastic Kit

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1:72 WWII canon antichar allemand Pak 40
Article number: 510106096 Product: 1/72 WWII German PAK40 AT Gun w/servants The 75mm Panzerabwehrkanone Pak 40 was brought in service at the beginning of 1941 and became the standard anti-tank gun of the German army. Despite being less powerful than the more famous "88", it was employed on all the fronts with excellent results. A light and easy to handle weapon, it weighed only 1500 kg and it was able to penetrate a 70mm plate at a range of 2000 meters. Slightly modified, it was also used on tank destroyers like the Marder, the Stug III and the Hetzer.

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1:72 Ambulance Sd.Kfz.305
510007055bientôtà nouveau disponible
Article number: 510007055 Product: 1/72 Sd.Kfz.305 Ambulance Model Dim.: 8,2 cm Decals for 4 versions The Opel Blitz medium truck was used extensively by the German Army on all fronts during World War Two. Several thousand of them were produced. They were also used as platforms for antiaircraft weaponry and tanker, workshop and ambulance versions were made. Of sturdy construction and easy to maintain, it also featured good off-road performance which made it invaluable in both the Russian and African campaigns.

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1:72 Char Kpfw. IV
510007007bientôtà nouveau disponible
Article number: 510007007 Product: 1:72 Panzer Kpfw. IV Model Dim.: 8,5 cm Decals for one version The Panzer IV was developed in the first few months of the 2nd World War to provide the German armoured forces with a better protected vehicle carrying a 7.5 CM cannon. This was a reaction to the limits of its predecessor the model III with a 5 CM cannon compared to the threat of the enemys means, in particular the soviet T 34s which were equipped with an arm of that calibre as well as good armour plating. The model IV tank was extensively used on all fronts during the 2nd World War by the German Army. Many different gradually improved versions were produced to face the on-going improvements of the opponents means.

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1:72 King Tiger
510072005bientôtà nouveau disponible
Référence article: 510072005 Produit: 1:72 King Tiger Le char lourd Sd.Kfz 182 Panzer VI Ausf. B « King Tiger » entra en service avec l’armée allemande à partir de la mi-1944. Profondément différent du Tiger I, il se caractérise par son gros volume (presque 70 tonnes), son blindage remarquable, sa caisse avant inclinée et l’adoption du redoutable canon de 88 mm KwK 43 L/7. Le King Tiger, grâce au moteur Maybach V-12, pouvait atteindre la vitesse maximale de 42 km/h. Pour la production en série, deux tourelles différentes furent adoptées : la tourelle Porsche et, bien plus nombreuse en termes d’exemplaires réalisés, la tourelle Henschel. En plus de contenir le canon de 88 mm, les deux tourelles étaient en mesure de stocker 80 grenades. En juillet 1944, le King Tiger fut employé pour la première fois au combat par le 503ème Bataillon de chars lourds durant la Bataille de Normandie.